The 36th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (ESOPRS) which was held in Stockholm, Sweden, between 14-16 September 2017 was very well attended. At least 735 colleagues from all parts of the world came to the Aula Medica of the Karolinska University to enjoy the interesting program that had been organised by Eva Dafgård Kopp, Elin Bohman and Sven Sahlin, in close collaboration with the Chief Officers of ESOPRS Geoffrey Rose, David Verity and Dion Paridaens.
The Pre-Meeting course was held on Thursday, September 14, and gave us an update on recent developments in various topics relating to Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.
During the next two days we enjoyed excellent scientific sessions which included key note lectures by European and non-European invited speakers.
The Major of the beautiful city of Stockholm invited all attendees for a welcome party in the venue where the annual Nobel Prize ceremonies and banquet take place. The traditional gala evening was held in one of the city’s most prized museums, the Vasa Museum, the most visited non-art museum in Scandinavia.
The interaction with colleagues from different countries stimulated a creative exchange of ideas which added to the success of this enjoyable and well-organised Meeting.
While reflecting on this event, we already look forward to the next Annual Meeting, which will be organised in Bucharest, Romania (September 13th-15th, 2018; local organisers: Dan Georgescu and Daniela Coplean). Preparations for this Meeting started two years ago and are ongoing. Further information on this topic will follow soon.
In the meanwhile you may contact Prof Georgescu for any queries regarding the Bucharest Meeting through email:
Dion Paridaens MD PhD
Secretary ESOPRS
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