Dr Paridaens is specialized in
- Oculoplastics
- upper blepharoplasty (bovenooglid-dermatochalazis correctie (correctie huidteveel bovenoogleden = blepharoplastieken), including asian blepharoplasty
- lower blepharoplasty (onderooglid-dermatochalazis correctie (correctie wallen onder de ogen)) & mid-facelifts
- brow-lifts
- ptosis-surgery (hangende bovenoogleden door spier(pees)zwakte of neurogene uitval
- levator-resection
- levator-reinsertion
- tarsoconjunctivomullerectomy (TCM)
- frontalis-suspension (any age)
- re-operations following surgery elsewhere (heringrepen (na correctie elders)
- levator-desinsertion
- eyelid reconstruction, innovative eyelidmargin-sparing techniques, innovative tarsus-sparing technique, sandwich block technique, sandwich technique, innovative technique for full-thickness upper eyelid reconstruction with preservation of margin, 1-layer closure innovation technique for primary closure
- resection eyelid-tumours; management of rare eyelid tumours, rare malignancies, malignancies with orbital invasion
- treatment of eyelid inflammatory lesions
- ectropion/entropion surgery
- eyelid retraction surgery
- oculoplastic surgery following Facial nerve palsy (chirurgie bij N Facialis uitval)
- eyelid surgery in patients with Floppy Eyelid Syndrome (FES)
- eyelid repair following trauma
- Lacrimal surgery
- canaliculotomy
- probing (sondage)
- lacrimal stent-placement
- balloon catheterization
- punctum repair
- punctal occlusion
- lacrimal tumour-surgery
- trauma
- Orbital surgery
- orbital tumours (primary benign/malignant or metastasis)
- Graves’ Orbitopathy, innovative surgical techniques, radiotherapy, innovative medical therapies (Etanercept) (Nanocort, nanotechnology-based steroid sparing medication)
- radiotherapy of orbital benign lesions, innovative indications of radiotherapy
- fractures
- inflammatory and infectious conditions, innovative medical treatment in xanthogranuloma, long term results in xanthogranuloma treatment, idiopathic inflammation, IgG4-RD, infliximab in IgG4-RD
- orbital fat prolapse surgery
- eye removal
- socket-surgery, innovative technique of socket closure
- trauma
- Ocular oncology
- uveal melanoma, radiotherapy
- uveal metastases
- iris melanoma and melanocytic lesions
- conjunctival melanoma, melanosis, innovative surgical techniques
- conjunctival other tumours
- caruncle tumours