Dr Dion Paridaens (Rotterdam Eye Hospital & Erasmus MC) Subspecialty Coordinator during World Ophthalmology Congress Virtual 2020

Between June 26 and 29, the World Ophthalmology Congress (WOC) 2020 Virtual Meeting was held as an alternative to the original WOC Meeting planned in Cape Town, which had been cancelled because of COVID. The Meeting was very well virtually attended by colleagues and trainees from all over the globe. Dion Paridaens, Phd MD, Chief …

Wallen onder de ogen en risico van operatie

Dr Dion Paridaens, cosmetisch oculoplastisch chirurg in Focuskliniek Oogziekenhuis Rotterdam in Rotterdam en ELZA kliniek in Zurich Wallen onder de ogen: inleiding  Wallen onder de ogen geven vaak een uitdrukking van vermoeidheid. Behalve dat je jezelf eraan ergert in de spiegel is het ook zo dat er opmerkingen over gemaakt worden door derden in de …

Saudi Ophthalmology Conference (SO 2020) rescheduled because of COVID-19

On March 2020 the local organizer Prof Strianese announced that the Saudi Ophthalmology Conference (March 12-14, 2020) to be held in Riyadh was postponed because of the COVID-19 epidemic. Dr Dion Paridaens was invited as a guest speaker to this Meeting and scheduled for 7 lectures on various oculoplastic and orbital topics, including the prestigious …

Paridaens speaker at 2020 Winter Meeting of ESOPRS in Val d’Isere, France

Dr Paridaens (Rotterdam Eye Hospital/Erasmus Medical Center) was invited Lecturer at the joint Winter Meeting of European Society of Ophthalmic Plastic Surgery (ESOPRS) and Regards Croises in France This scientific meeting was devoted to the theme of “peri-ocular and facial aesthetic management” and included practitioners from different specialties: ophthalmologists, dermatologists, plastic surgeons, aesthetic doctors. The …

Zeer geslaagd 4e Dutch Orbital Society (DOS) Symposium op 18 januari 2020 in Bunnik

Na drie succesvolle symposia in 2013, 2015 en 2017 is op 18 januari jl het 4e DOS symposium georganiseerd in ‘De Landgoederij’ in Bunnik. 20191211 – DOSuitnodiging2020 (003) Op deze dag kwamen meer dan 160 oogartsen, dermatologen, en ocularisten bijeen voor praktische nascholing op het gebied van ooglidchirurgie. Een all-time high qua bezoekersaantal. Sprekers op …

Surgeon Dion Paridaens speaks about Graves’ orbitopathy at Meeting in France

On Friday January 24th, 2020, Dion Paridaens will deliver an invitational lecture on “Complication of orbital decompression and their prevention” in the session “Cosmetic Rehabilatation in Graves’ Disease” during the French Symposium “Regards Croises”, which is jointly organized with the ESOPRS Winter Meeting during Jan 23 through 25 in Val d’Isere, France. Organiseur is Olivier …